Britain gave reins of Hong Kong back to China in 1997,
during which the Beijing gave certain assurances, under what was termed as ‘One
country two systems’, Hong Kong was allowed to keep its common law system and
assured of greater rights than those prevalent in mainland China, as China
would not interfere for at least 50 years in the affairs of Hong Kong except for
the decision of the leader of the region (Chief Executive). Residents of Hong Kong
hoped that by 2017, they would be able to elect their own Chief Executive to
run Hong Kong. China says that there will be no open nominations for the job
and only those cleared by the Communist Party would be allowed to contest. This
has fueled demonstrations that have turned up to be the biggest public protests
in Hong Kong since Chinese rule, also known as the ‘Umbrella Revolution’ (Thousands
have deployed umbrellas to protect themselves from the tear gas attack of the
police. It had lead some of them to call it ‘umbrella revolution’).
The tension in Hong Kong is after the revision of the recent
Beijing’s stand contradicting the original 1997 position (adoption of universal
suffrage). The process now has been reduced merely to the vetting of the
candidates for the post of Chief Executive of Hong Kong (SAR). In the Legislative
Council of Hong Kong, more than half are nominated members, and only handful
are directly elected by the constituents of Hong Kong.
Extent of autonomy
that Hong Kong enjoys –
Political control is vested with the Communist Party of
China. Administrative, financial, economic, legislative, social autonomy has
been protected under the basic law or what people call the semi constitution of
Hong Kong. The crucial point is the election of Chief Executive of Hong Kong
and the political regulations guiding his firm control by the Beijing.
Why Hong Kong wants more
This is a revision of the promises that Deng Xiaoping made
in the 1980s and following its inscription in the basic law of Hong Kong SAR.
The original promise that Deng Xiaoping made when he started negotiating with
the British under Margaret Thatcher was that ‘One country two systems’ would
include ‘universal suffrage’ for the people of Hong Kong and the deadline for
that was given as 2017. Recently the National People’s Congress, which is the
Chinese Parliament, has passed a resolution stating that the 2017 elections
will be controlled by nominations and there will be a vetting process of the
candidate of Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR.
Therefore, there is a kind of frustration in Hong Kong
people which is generated with a lot of factors –
- Growing social inequality – Hong Kong has crony capitalism much like Russia (Hong Kong topped ‘The Economist’ list of Crony Capitalist Index, beating Russia), where huge wealth is dominating and the people of Hong Kong are not having basic economic rights. For example – Buying even a small house is a dream for majority of the Hong Kong people.
- Successive migration from mainland China (Hong Kong people find them inferior).
- Faith in the Government is at all time low (after the Chief Executive’s stand on Hong Kong’s autonomy).
This is in the nature of
democratization to demand not just the political reforms but breaking up the
structures of domination like we have seen in Taiwan (Reduction of Kuomitang
Party’s economic control) and all the new countries that came up post Soviet
disintegration, especially Eastern Europe.
Major groups taking the lead –
Hong Kong Students Federation, Young
school students, Group of democrats (Occupy Central with peace and love) are
some of the independent groups yearning for a common cause of greater
transparency and autonomy in the internal affairs of Hong Kong. There are
differences between these groups and the movement is largely ‘leaderless’ and
there is no one point of target that can be said about the protests in contrast
to the ‘Sunflower protest’ that took place in Taiwan few months ago. The
younger protesters have pushed the matters to the forefront and they have sort
of forestalled the old style of democrats like Martin Lee and party (although
he is also active). The new style has been adopted because the tear gas and
pepper sprays were used against the protesters which forced the ordinary Hong Kong
people to come at the protest site. The new protesters may compromise on
certain cases while continuing their protests to achieve the ultimate goal of
real autonomy in the near future.
How China
justifies this movement as illegal and unconstitutional?
Beijing is ready to follow the letters of the ‘basic law’ of
Hong Kong, but not the spirit of it. Beijing proclaims that the demands of the protesters
did not accord with what the basic law or the semi constitution (Hong Kong’s
constitution) stipulates. The demand of universal suffrage has been accepted by
China but the protesters are asking for the transparency and rationality in the
selection of candidates via the process of direct elections, which is neither
the part of basic law/constitution nor what the leaders have said anytime
during negotiations with the British.
History of Hong
Kong Protests –
In 2003, Hong Kong protested against Article 23 which was a
security related law that impinged on their freedom and pressured the
government to shelve it.
In 2012, they protested against the education plan, which
made certain text books compulsory that censored out Tiananmen Square like
incidents completely and it was seen as the communist brainwashing.
People’s Republic of China has not declined the promise of ‘Universal
Suffrage’ and they have not taken a hard line despite the nature of the
government in Beijing. Protesters are asking for the resignation of Chief Executive
Leung Chun-ying that could happen later but not immediately as it would mean a
loss of face and de-legitimatize the process of elected officials.
When Hong Kong was handed over to China, it was seen by the
British as a gateway to China on economic grounds but contemporarily the
relevance of Hong Kong has declined with the emergence of Shanghai as the new
economic hub. This had given a certain level of angst to the ordinary people of
Hong Kong that their specialness seems to be eroding and the interests of the
international community especially the British is declining with regards to Hong Kong's cause.
Why majority of
HONG KONGERS oppose these demonstrations?
According to a poll, 46% of Hong Kong people do not support
the pro-democracy movement, while only 31% supported the same. 47% of the
youngsters (Below 24 yrs of age), 21% of people in the age group of 40-59 years
support the cause too. This all depends on how the protesters, majorly the
youngsters identify the core issue which is the demand of ‘direct elections’.
The young protesters are influenced by the Occupy Wall Street, Tehrir Square, Jasmine
Revolution (start of Arab Spring), Sunflower movement etc.
Irony is that the business community also does not support
the pro-democracy movements as they feel that democracy would not be suitable
for the elite class who share a good reputation with Beijing on administrative affairs
of Hong Kong. President Xi Jinping met Hong Kong tycoons on September 26th
to discuss the Hong Kong state of affairs.
How China will
deal with these protests?
China has backed the decision of the Hong Kong police to use
tear gas and pepper sprays against the protesters which show a shadow of China’s
aggressive stand during the Tiananmen Square incident of 1989. One is the
factor of Chinese nationalism and the emphasis of Premier Li Keqiang and
President Xi Jinping’s policy of ‘One country’ rather than ‘Two systems’.
Before becoming the President, Xi Jinping was the chairman of the leading small
group on Hong Kong and Macau affairs, so as Vice President he has handled Hong Kong
and Macau for five years and he is quite aware of the situations of these two
SARs. Through Hong Kong, China will give a strong message to the West to back
off from their internal matters (as Hong Kong has been the key spying port of
West throughout the Hong Kong’s history) with the policy of iron hand and
velvet glove.
China, rather the world community would never desire for any
instability in Hong Kong because of it being a ‘tax haven’ i.e. a financial holiday
spot for oligarchs of the West as well as China. They would never want to
disturb their hard earned money by risking their investments in Hong Kong
through violent revolutions, so it is absurd to believe that CIA is directly funding
500,000 protesters on the roads of Hong Kong through its various NGOs.
Worries of China –
China is worried that the Hong Kong protests will embolden
the protests in the mainland like in Xinjiang (Uighurs community as Rebbiya
Kadeer criticized Hong Kong situation and asked Uighurs to buckle up for the
future war of independence) and Tibet. Also the future of Taiwan’s annexation
also depends upon how China handles the Hong Kong situation with the idea of ‘One
country and Two systems’ deal originally proposed by Taiwan in 1978. Taiwan’s
proposal actually materialized with Hong Kong through the negotiations with
British but China’s actual target was Taiwan for the reunification of China and
Taiwan. But now Taiwan is not interested in the idea proposed by them in 1978
as they have nothing much to gain but have substantial things to lose if they
reunify with China. Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-Jeou is also critical of the
idea of reunification now especially after the response of China to the recent
Hong Kong situation.
Future of China –
Amid growing bourgeoisie in China (150 million out of 1.4
billion population), they are demanding larger share of power structure.
Communist Party introduced the elections at the village level even though the
communist party’s base is at the county level (Tehsil level). China has to
pacify the growing middle class and the voices of dissent through US President
Franklin Roosevelt’s policy – “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
The best thing about future is its nature of uncertainty.
Therefore we have to see if Communist Party of China is willing to share power
with the people or would it repeat the horrifying episodes of Tiananmen Square
like incidents in all the conspiring parts like Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner
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